Fire Chief’s Message

Billy Alcorn, Fire Chief Fresno Fire Department
The Fig Garden area has a long history of community and pride with an 80-year history of its local fire station (located at 4537 N. Wishon.) The station is currently staffed with three professional firefighters 365 days-a-year/24 hours-a-day utilizing Engine 20 (E20).
These firefighters are also Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and respond to medical emergencies. It’s important to understand that the fire fighters of E20 respond with American Ambulance because a minimum of four personnel are needed to mitigate medical emergencies with the highest probability of a positive outcome.
Additionally, the Fig Garden Fire Protection District (FGFPD) was recently evaluated by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) which provides first-class ratings to insurance companies; in turn, these insurance companies set the rates for residential and commercial properties. Based on the current Fig Garden Fire Station, and adjacent Fresno City Fire Stations (and agreements), the FGFPD improved its class rating from a Class 3 to a Class 2 Fire District.
I am proud to serve as the Fire Chief and lead the firefighters who stand ready to assist the Fig Garden community and all those who require emergency response.
Billy Alcorn, Fire Chief
About the District
The apparatus bay door has been rewired to include an emergency generator used during power outages to the area. The door is very heavy and it takes an unacceptable length of time to open manually. In order to maintain response time objectives, the door can now be opened by use of the generator.
The station living quarters continue to undergo remodeling and renovation work. A washer / dryer has been installed in the exercise area behind the apparatus bay allowing the firefighters the ability to launder their day uniforms, bed linens, and towels on site. The bunker gear storage area will be outfitted with Gear Grid storage systems
The exercise area has received a rubberized sports floor to better accommodate the exercise machines and free weights. The Captain’s bathroom has been expanded to make room for a new shower, lav, and sink with vanity.
The last round of renovations included handicap accessibility to the station office and meeting room. The plans for the remodel work were contracted through Dale Rutherford, A.I.A. Architecture & Planning.
Fire Protection District History
The Fig Garden Fire Protection District was formed in 1942 to provide needed structural fire protection to an almost fully developed residential area comprised primarily of the Forkner Tract. The District, approximately one square mile in size, is bounded, generally, by Shaw Avenue on the north, Maroa on the east, the Herndon Canal on the south, and Palm Avenue on the west. A five-member Board of Directors governs the District.
During 1942, a fire station was built at its present location of 4537 N. Wishon. That station consisted of one room living quarters and a garage with a gravel floor and driveway. In the beginning, the District was completely staffed by volunteers.
In the early 1950’s the district hired a full-time professional staff and relied decreasingly on volunteers. By 1956, the district had evolved to a current two-crew operation. Along the way, improvements were made to the station, often by the crews who worked there. A larger garage was built in front of the original garage (now the hose room), separate barracks for A and B shifts were built on either side of the garage, and a chief’s residence was built on the southeastern portion of the property.
2024 Statistics
Within FGFPD
Outside FGFPD
Our Board Members
And Other Contacts
Louis Linney
President (559) 252-5391
My wife Tracy and I moved to Fig Garden almost 24 years ago. We closed escrow on our house the day our eldest child Jared was born; December 15th, 1992. Through my involvement with FGFPD I have had the opportunity to meet more people and become more involved with the Fig Garden neighborhood than ever before and I have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Larry Fortune
Board Member
My wife, Jane and I, purchased our home at 4649 N. Wilson in 1986. (The home was originally built in 1926.) Before that (1966), my parents built a home at the NE corner of Swift & Wilson, where I lived for six years. Our daughter, Katherine, was 4 years old and our son, Patrick, was born on Christmas eve our first year in the house. Katherine is a partner with DeLoitte and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two sons, ages 2 & 5. Patrick is an attorney and just bought his first home on Sunset, just north of Rialto.
I’ve owned FORTUNE ASSOCIATES, a Commercial Real Estate Brokerage, since 1976. I have been a member of the Fig Garden Home Owner’s Association for nearly 40 years and was a director of the Fig Garden Police Protection District for 10 years.
My goal and pledge, as a member of the Board of the Fig Garden Fire Protection District is to make sure that we, the tax paying residents of the district, are getting the safest, most effective and cost efficient protection for our tax dollars. To help me accomplish this, I encourage your support, questions and suggestions. My office phone number is (559) 490-2500 and my cell phone number (559) 213-4225.

Richard Caglia
Board Member

Heather Janz
Board Member
I am the CEO of Janz Family Therapy, Inc which provides outpatient mental health services both in person and virtually. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, leader, speaker and online educator. I am also a wife, a mother, and am extremely passionate about using my voice to help and empower others. I also serve as the Secretary of the Board of Directors and board development committee chair for the girls scouts of central California south (GSCCS) council.
Erik Peterson
Board Member
Meggin Boranian of Fike and Boranian
Legal Counsel
David Taussig and Associates
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